
pubslished on
May 18, 2021

VOLANS is a trusted partner for global insurance majors to drive comprehensive transformation across their business operations and drive profitable growth. Our expertise in customer relationship management, domain knowledge, technology, processes and data analytics help our clients gain a competitive edge in a fast-paced sector that is increasingly transforming itself with a new breed of digital led ‘InsurTech’ companies.

The insurance industry has experienced a massive transformation in the last decade driven by digital technology and rising consumer expectations. As such, it has become imperative for insurers to have a customer-centric approach for sustainable growth in their business. Failure to do so could result in loss of market share and business profitability for businesses in a highly competitive sector.

Traditional insurance companies suffer from legacy operational models that create roadblocks in delivering a smooth customer experience. The rise of a new breed of digital has further necessitated companies to move to a digital first model. Traditional insurance process outsourcing companies acknowledge this truth, and have started using technology to find innovative ways to improve their customer experience. The key challenge however, for most companies is to maintain costs and profitability

VOLANS with its expertise in outsourced Business Process Management (BPM) services helps insurance and reinsurance companies operating in Property and Casualty (P&C) and Life & Annuity (L&A) drive efficiency in their existing operational models at reduced costs without affecting the overall customer experience.

We offer a comprehensive range of customer experience and back-office solutions for insurance businesses to improve their customer satisfaction scores, drive customer retention, speed up new product launches, increase back-office productivity and improve their topline with the help of data-led insights. Our value-added services for the insurance industry include claims management, brokerage services, third-party risk management, fraud management services, fraud and risk analytics, model risk management, risk reporting, underwriting services and credit risk management. Our BPO services help insurance companies growth improve their topline and bottom-line, reduce operational costs and conform to high standards of compliances.